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Customer Care
Rack Room Shoes
Corporate Info
Secure Shopping
Will Rack Room Shoes sell or rent my e-mail
address to
other companies?
No. We consider the information you choose to share with us to be
confidential and will not sell or rent any personal or identifying information you submit through our
website. We use the personally identifiable information you provide for internal purposes, such as
confirming and tracking your order, analyzing trends and statistics, and informing you of our new
services and special offers. You can find a complete description of how we use personally identifying
information in our Privacy Policy.
Is my credit card information secure?
At Rack Room Shoes, we take every precaution to ensure that your
personal information is safe with us. Every step of our online ordering process that involves credit
information employs Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption. SSL renders information unreadable should
attempt to intercept it, keeping your information safe.
How can I be removed from the mailing list?
You can be removed by calling 1-800-306-9309 or e-mailing
Service. By unsubscribing, you will no longer be a member of the Rewards Program and will not receive
special discounts or coupons.
I forgot my password, what should I do?
In the event you have forgotten your password, please click the
Forgot Your Password? link on the Password screen during Sign In, then enter the
address associated with your account and click the Reset Password button. An e-mail will be sent to you
a temporary password which you can then use to change your password on our secure website.
I need to updated my account information, how do I
You can change your contact information, shipping address and
information by simply signing into your account and making any necessary changes there.